Confirmed Case of COVID 19

Date: 26th October 2020

Advice to Self-Isolate for 14 Days 

Dear Parent/Carer/Guardian,

We have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the school.

We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected individual. In line with the national guidance, we recommend that your child now stay at home and self-isolate until Monday 9th November 2020 (14 days after contact). School will resume on Tuesday 10th November 2020.

We are asking you to do this to reduce the further spread of COVID 19 to others in the community.

If your child is well at the end of the 14 days period of self-isolation, then they can return to usual activities.

Other members of your household can continue normal activities provided your child does not develop symptoms within the 14-day self-isolation period.

Please see the link to the PHE Staying at Home Guidance

What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19

If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared.

All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.

The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.

Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home.

Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community.

If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period.

Symptoms of COVID 19

The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:

  • new continuous cough and/or
  • high temperature and/or
  • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.

If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.

How to stop COVID-19 spreading

There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19


  • Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds.


  • Cover your face in enclosed spaces, especially where social distancing may be difficult and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
  • It is now compulsory to wear cloth face coverings on public transport, shops and several other indoor settings. 


  • Stay 2 metres apart where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place.
  • Keep your distance from people who are outside your household or support bubble.
  • Limit social gatherings (including abiding by the ‘rule of 6’) and avoid crowded places.

Further Information

Further information is available at

Yours sincerely

Maureen Thomas
