Enrichment is an important part of education. At Summerhouse, we offer a wide range of enrichment activities, special guests and class trips. Keep up to date with all of our enrichment activities on our News and Class Gallery pages.
Class Trips
Class trips are usually linked to the topics and learning the children are engaging with in class. However, some trips are designed to support the children’s social and emotional development. Class trips can be local (walking distance or short bus trip) or in Central London. Children at Summerhouse have been everywhere from; museums and galleries, parks and gardens, theatres and cinemas, pizza making and even on boats!
Enrichment Days
Each term, Summerhouse hosts special enrichment days and activities. Parents and carers are invited to join us on some of those days, to share the enjoyment with the children and celebrate their success. Some of the special days we have at Summerhouse can include;
- Celebrating Black History Month
- Christmas Talent Show
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Christmas Talent Show
- Sports Day
- Art Afternoon
- Red Nose Day
- Bake Off
- Gardening and Growing Food
- World Book Day
Special Guests
At Summerhouse, we value the contributions of member of the local community. Special guests visit us to share their knowledge and expertise. These people range from; the Police and Fire Service, Wildlife Gardening, to Supermarkets or Bike Safety. Visits from special guests are always a fun and educational experience.