When to refer:
Before making a referral to Summerhouse for a child it is advisable to work through the following check list:
- Class Teacher and SENCO are working together to identify and support the SEMH needs of the pupil
- Pupil is referred to the Educational Psychologist if there is no diagnosis of any condition
- De-escalation strategies are being consistently used
- Behaviour policy is being followed
- Pupil is accessing internal school support e.g. ELSA, 1:1/small group SEMH targeted support, PDC and therapies
- External support agencies if appropriate e.g. Educational Psychologist, Autism Support Service, Early Help Service
- Behaviour support plan is in place for the pupil
- Evidence is being gathered/submitted for EHCNA if appropriate
- School is keeping Parents/Carers are well informed about pupil’s behaviour challenges and school interventions
- The pupil is receiving multiple internal and/or external exclusions
- The pupil is potentially at risk of permanent exclusion
After consideration of this checklist the next step is to contact Summerhouse.
*Occasionally, situations may suddenly escalate, making it impossible to check most items on the list over the anticipated half term; under these circumstances schools should make an immediate referral to allow Summerhouse to intervene.
A flowchart outlining the referral process can be found at the bottom of this page.
If you wish to refer a pupil to Summerhouse then please complete the form below and return to: office@summerhouse.southwark.sch.uk