We aim to develop and nurture our children, so that they become confident mathematicians for the future. We want them to know and understand the purpose, relevance and importance of mathematics in everyday life. Our intention is for every child to be number confident.
Mathematics at our school is based on the National Mathematics Curriculum for Years 1 to 6. We aim to review, teach and consolidate learning of Number using the programmes of study developed by Southwark.
We believe that;
• children’s self-esteem is closely linked to the level of success they experience in school
• we need to give children the tools to become independent learners and develop confidence to express question and discuss ideas
• become fluent in the fundamentals of number, number systems and place value mathematics
• to recognise, understand and apply the four number operations
• to develop, increase and retain new and old vocabulary
• children learn with direct teaching and interactive oral work within a dedicated maths lesson
• ongoing assessment inform us where children are now, and the steps needed to take them forward