Here at Summerhouse we aim to make learning both engaging and fun
Summerhouse is a preventative provision working with primary aged pupils at risk of exclusion in mainstream schools.
We offer advice and/or support to mainstream schools and can offer part-time placements to pupils at risk of exclusion due to behaviour difficulties. The staff from Summerhouse work closely with staff in the pupil’s mainstream school, to develop more appropriate and effective ways of working with the pupil.
Summerhouse also offers places to pupils who have been permanently excluded from mainstream school and facilitates reintegration programmes.
As all pupils referred by mainstream schools remain on the school roll, they continue to be the school’s responsibility during the placement at Summerhouse. Therefore to achieve maximum success, it is essential that the school staff support the work of staff at Summerhouse by attending planning and review meetings and making every effort to implement strategies and advice given.
Summerhouse is a short-term intervention for mainstream schools experiencing difficulties in managing individual pupils presenting challenging behaviours. It is not a special school, therefore cannot be offered as an alternative to mainstream but can be used to support the mainstream placement.
While at Summerhouse, pupils have access to English, Maths, PSHE and other foundation subjects. The pupils also have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of enrichment activities and trips. The Summerhouse curriculum supports the pupils’ social and emotional development through a range of additional support programmes.
As well as offering support to individual pupils and schools, Summerhouse also works closely with families. Parents/carers are encouraged to visit Summerhouse to spend time in the classroom and to talk with the staff. Parents/carers also have the opportunity to meet with a counsellor on site.